The Classic Graham Screener is free! The Advanced Graham Screener is $22.50 for one month, or just $99 for one year.
Premium Stocks
The highest-rated stocks in GrahamValue's database are exclusive to the Advanced Graham Screener, and accessible immediately on purchase (check your exchanges).
Advanced Features
Customize Rules
Combine any of the preset Graham rule-sets with up to eleven additional filters.
View More Data
Sort by seven additional fields per stock, and up to a hundred stocks per page.
Screen All Stocks
Get an unrestricted comparison of all listed stocks, as well as screen by sector.
No Auto Renewal
GrahamValue does not receive your billing information from PayPal, and will not renew your plan automatically (see refund policy / troubleshoot PayPal). GrahamValue also has no other apps, promotions or advertisements.
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